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Individual Circumstances (Korean Series)

Honestly, this is the BL series that we did not need. With an extremely basic storyline, paper thin screenplay, this would hav been better off as a short story rather than stretching it for 8 episodes. Having said that, the duration of the episodes is just 15-18 minutes, so at least you don't feel you have wasted time. Also there are no unnecessary side stories, which I always always appreciate. Had this show come maybe come during Covid times, it would still have made sense, but everything is changing so fast, including audiences getting far more better content, there is little to no space for mediocre stuff.

A young famous director is going through a slump phase. Despite a hit behind his name, he is unsure of his next film a the production company is forcing him to direct a raunchy adult film. Then we meet this fiction writer, who has been writing a love story and our director is interested the story, even though it is not complete. Director tries his best to find contact of this writer and eventually camps put of his home, knowing very well that many production companies have tried to reach out to him , but he hasn't budged. Turns out that our director and writer have known each other from past in school days, but something went sour. Director decides that he will somehow win his friend's heart. We are told eventually that they got close in college, became friends and one day our writer kissed the director. But at the same time, the director's mother's health deteriorated and he had to take care of her. Somehow the two couldn't connect and the writer thought his fiend ditched him after the kiss. They eventually talk it all out, reconcile their differences and their love for one another and finally our man has the story which he will make into a beautiful film (which was apparently the real story of thee two lovers, turned into a straight world).

The start of the show itself poses a big problem. The characters are introduced very clumsily. It was one of the most awkward things honestly. A couple of episodes just go on about these introductions which lead you more confused IMO rather than feel excited and wanting to know more about these people. When finally we are told the reason for their alleged falling out, it is so lame, that you have to watch it to believe it. Also almost three-quarters of the story is about the director guy parking himself outside the writer's house, camping, staring him, disturbing him, hoping to get his attention and the series makes no sense. And man the kiss between the two guys that happens a couple of times. So lame plastic and zero chemistry. I tell you, 5 year olds could kiss with more passion, love and honesty than these two did in this series. What was the deal with the writer? Was he so much into the pity party thing, that he couldn't see anyone beyond himself. The way he treats his manager has no explanation. The acting is bad, the story is bad and the execution is most terrible. There is absolutely no flirtation or romance and suddenly you know they are back to kissing at the end. This pairing shares a weak rapport and can't convey an alluring bond in their romance. This is one of. The weaker BL series I have seen from Korea in a while and I hope it doesn't happen again. (3/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Unfotunately one of the flat, disspointing and forgettable one (I had to speedy rewatch it to actually remember any of it...).
My main problem was with the writer that was a jerk for a too long time. Which totally killed the chemistry. That got overkilled by those dead fish kisses anyway... "Hey, we're supposed to kiss here but let's barelly touch because, you know, no homo right?!"
The explanation behind all the hatred was just Meh too. Too many things were just absurd (the cops leaving, the fact the director never told the writer about his mom...)
Thankfully the last 2 episodes were better. But too late...
For another korean BL I'm watching "Jun & Jun" right now and the first half is deja vu, but really nice and fun. Fingers crossed it goes on like this and will make a strong recommandation!
Golu said…
Lovely about JnJ
. I am tying to slowly return to my return, but its harder than I thought
Miisu said…
This one was one big "seen it before". There was nothing new, although I hoped for something until the very end. I don't mind recurring tropes or storylines at all, when they're nice and pleasant, but the tropes this series used were too beige for me. The actors playing the main roles were good, but also just... beige.

"Jun & Jun" is a nice one indeed, good actors and locations.
Golu said…
I guess Jun is what I will be picking up next

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