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Stay With Me (Mandarin Series)

Sometime back I had reviewed this Chinese series Addicted. Even though when I started watching this show, I didn't remember much about the original show, but this revisited version of the original show (whether ir not you compare to the original) is a brilliant show in many aspects. First of all, let me make it clear, this is not a gay show or even BL for that matter. I would classify it more of a bromance but thats probably because of China's strict rules. And I am willing to ignore that and still review the show here because it deserves to be seen. Everything about this series starting from the story line, characters, settings to the direction, was topnotch. Having said that, this is not a small commitment. The show has 24 episodes, each of about 35-40 minutes long.

Su Yu is a high school student, top of the class and brilliant. He lives with his father, have. Great bond and they just get by with modest earnings. Life hasn't been same since his mother left the father and remarried a wealthy man. Su Yu has broken all relations with her since. Back to the mother, her new husband's son Wu Bi, doesn't like her one bit and thinks that she is the reason for his biological mother's death. Also he hasn't been much close to his father. As an act of rebel, he leaves his school and joins a school in a poor neighborhood where Su Yu happens to be in the same class. Despite their initial differences, Su Yu being a cold and arrogant top student, while Wu Bi is an unreasonable underachiever, their relationship takes an unexpected turn after an accident. Wu Bi starts living in the poor neighborhood and slowly the bond between two boys starts growing. Wu Bi also enjoys company of his father where he gets a family atmosphere, something which he never got at home. We are also introduced to this single mom with a young 6-7 year old daughter who helps out Su Yu's family regularly. Throughout the drama, over 24 episodes we witness many events happening. Su Yu and Wu Bi become enemies to friends, The secret that they are step brothers is revealed, the truth about Wu Bi's mother death and how did Su Yu come to marry a wealthy man; Su Yu's father and the single lady get married to make a large happy family, an ex-girlfriend, some business rivalry between Wu Bi's father and his extended family and more stuff like that. But what really sticks to the ground is Wu Bi and Su Yu' interactions and some of them with their extended classmates which keeps the series grounded, charming and overall extremely fun to watch.

Even though it is a long commitment, as I said before, but I still enjoyed the well pacing of the show It gives enough time for characters to establish themselves but at the same time, it never lingers on certain things long enough to make it irrelevant or boring (something that Thai shows are still guilty of doing). The conversion from enemies to a sort of bromance was very well developed and you can see their slow progress and even within that going through moods, ups and downs. At no point you feel things are being forced on to you as audience. The lingering glances, little kisses, gazes full of love, and the understanding they will make you feel all kinds of things. I think it’s a very beautiful cinematic art to represent a feeling of love and an intimate relationship without actually adding too much physical intimacy. And the two actors playing the lead roles have crackling chemistry. The fact that both of them are damn handsome to look at makes it even easier. The one thing I remember about Addicted was the father-son bond; and I have to say that essence is kept in this version as well. Very intact. The way Su Yu and his father and there for each other is simple commendable. The series indirectly shows that the kids turn out exactly how their upbringing is and based on love they have received. Su Yu has always been a respectful and understanding teenager, while  Wu Bi’s bratty, short- tempered behavior was because of his father's aloofness and lack of love and communication. While, all actors including the two friends of Su Yu; they all do a great job, I would like to point out the adorable little sister and her interaction with her both brothers. She Brough a certain charm, a warmth, wit to the show and a smile on my face every time sh was on the screen. 

The production value, the direction, the acting; almost everything about this series is top notch and the best quality, but I have to say that screenplay of this show was absolutely fantastic. It is a love story without being too overtly romantic. Even though it involves teenagers, it has that maturity because of the families involved and many heartwarming scenes, clear character development and growth, unrestrained compassions and bitter moments, feelings of regret and reserve which narrate the common, unseen hardships of life which make it a more realistic coming of age drama. Now that I have written almost glowing things about the show, I have to also admit that I was extremely disappointed with the ending. The last two episodes started to create a new angle of family jealousy for business and how that impacts Wu Bi and Su Yu; but also ends it at a point where things are left to viewer's own interpretation. I am not sure if this is because of tease for second season, but irrespective of that, the show deserved a proper ending. Despite this, and the fact that you need a lot of time (it took me almost a month of watching this sporadically between my busy schedule); the show in the end is absolutely rewarding and worth a watch and something I would highly recommend. (8.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Next on my list, thanks for the review! I had been hesitating and postponing watching this one for weeks. But if you liked it that much, it leaves me no choice!
Golu said…
I did enjoy it, but man it surely demands a lot of our time.
Miisu said…
I'm so glad you liked it! It was a time investment worth every minute. And it was torturous to wait a whole week for the next episodes.

The leads were chosen so well for their roles. The further the story developed, the better they got. It was probably well written as well, it's just not possible to present something so well when it's meaning is unclear. I loved that the remake had the character of the little girl added - she was amazing! At points I recognized myself in her, like how precise she was about her toys. The scene when the mother of Su Yu comes to win her over with a trunk full of pink stuff was epic, I laughed until hiccups :D My thing was toy animals and books. Still is, I think, only I've switched to live animals now. And she was so lucky - to have life give her two brothers as a gift.

When the series was halfway and I suggested you'd give it a go, I didn't know if it is a BL or bromance or maybe it turns into something else towards the end. I think it was both, the hints of both genres were carefully hidden to pass the censorship, but they were there and visible enough for the viewers. It was mainly about intimacy in its purest form, becoming each other's utmost comfort zone. Finding your people and keeping them.

And then the ending... @Sailor Maan, brace yourself. It's going to be open, definitely too open for me, especially after everything that preceded that ending.

Sailor Maan said…
I know it will require a lot of time that will have to wait until I'm back from Canada.

Btw I finished Love class season 2 that was quite a nice surprise after that just ok 1st season. The first episode is totally confusing but it gets increasingly a lot better. In case you were wondering, it has no link with the 1st season except cameos.
Golu said…
Noted!! I need to pick some new shows now.
edward said…
Loved this show even though I was really hesitant in the beginning. I was a big fan of Addicted and the 2 main leads. The new China restrictions on BL content also had me worried. But the 2 new actors had such great chemistry, and I loved the found family aspect too. I think the last 6 episodes really solidified the BL over bromance. Did you catch the brief reference to lube? The gay posters all over their house? I think they are definitely doing a sequel so the ending will be continued.
Golu said…
good eye for the lube scene. I did notice that, but it happened so quick, that I felt "did I see this right?"
I did notice posters but didn't really think they were very gay or anything. Irrespective, the bL angle was made clear as much as they could given the China restrictions.
Sailor Maan said…
Ok so the fact I finally binge watched it in 3 days (goodbye social and family life haha) probably shows how much I liked it ^^. All the characters were so beautifully developped. They used many regular tropes (ennemies to lovers, villain ex girlfriend, no communcation to create drama etc...) but it was so well handled I can't complain at all. Of course the leads chemistry is fantastic. Those 2 broken hearts that find shelter in each other... But that's the whole "family you choose" that totally won me over.
I was really afraid the Boys love content would be just hinted due to censorship, but no, even if not shown, the incredible and subtle way it is filmed and portrayed make that love fill the whole screen. The clear allusions also made it obvious and recognizable. That lube OMG how I laughed!! I really hope that "lip balm" hasn't been used before, for the sake of the father lmao.
However I also think China's censorship damaged the series when it could have been perfect. The first half was great. The dynamic of the couple growth was done briliantly until what should habe been a fantastic climax. But instead nothing. The next 5 or 6 episodes are a brutal stop to the relationship and turn dull (sport contest, crazy uncle...). Thankfully the last 6 episodes are back on track again. But as it's made clear they are way beyond kissing, I also felt we had a whole big part of their story.
Between that and the abrupt ending, I want to read the novel now!! Or an announcement for season 2 asap.
That little girl and her innocent witty dialogues, excellent! I can so much see my daughter in her, with their mix of innocent/mischievous/straightforward attitude XD

Now I'm left wondering if I should try other BL censored adaptations. I can't decide whether watching them is supporting China's homophobia or supporting people that still try despite the censorship.
Miisu said…
The Chinese censorship is everywhere, even in the uncensored areas - people have it in their blood already. Ever tried sexting with a Chinese person? It's all flowers and gardens and water pipes. Don't ask :D
Golu said…
"Ever tried sexting with a Chinese person? It's all flowers and gardens and water pipes" - OMG! I can't stop laughing

Also: major props to u mr sailor maan. I can't believe you binged this in three days. Despite me liking it, it took me almost a month to finish it especially because my attention span is so low.
Miisu said…
Indeed, watching a series in one go like that shows how much substance it had to catch your attention and holding it. It's the same with me and the series "You" - when I start a season, I'm glued to the screen until the end titles of the last episode. It's like they've installed a magnet into the story or sth.

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