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Our Dining Table (Japanese Series)

To some people , this series may seem fluff, but to me it was exactly the warm, tender virtual hug that I needed. This show has many beautiful moments and t never goes into the heavy terrirtory. Yes, the protagonists are hong through their internal trauma (some from childhood) and how they made into who they are; but its the tender heartfelt moments between the leads and the super amazing little kid, that makes this show an absolute pleasurable watch. Yes, the BL content was very low, but seeing two individuals, broken in their own way, finding their destiny with each other and coming together under circumstances that neither of them would hav imagines sure tugs your heart and warms it up. At 10 episodes of about 23 minutes each, the show just breezes by and never feels like a stretch.

The story is simple actually. 23 year old Yutaka works in an office and is basically an introvert who eats his meals by himself. One day a small kid appears eyes his rice ball and Yutaka offers him and h loves it. The kid is Tane and son his elder brother Minoru arrives apologizing for his brother. But the kid really loves the food and insists that Yutaka come over to their house. Before you know, Tane's infectious love and energy makes Yutaka visiting their house very often. What more, he is also eating his food with their family, something he is not used to. We only later find out why does Yutaka have issues being able to eat in anyone else's presence. We also know that Minoru has lost his mother and has been taking care of his little brother while his father is working. Somehow Minoru feels responsible and in the process has made no friends. During the hangout process, somewhere the two men start liking each other but neither has the courage to make a move but the things, as they are going are best. During his weekly visits he learns about Minoru and slowly opens himself up to new experiences including getting over his fear of eating with others. Minoru on the other hand learns to enjoy his life as he is looking forward to his weekly cooking sessions with Yutaka. Minoru still can't hold himself back and kisses Yutaka who is taken completely by surprise. In a couple of moving scenes, we get to know the backstory of both of these guys and thats when you really understand how our childhood memories can shape up our adult life. Yutaka is not sure what all this means, but eventually he gives in. He realizes, just because of fear of something ay not end well, he cannot not give into feeling what love is meant to be. The boys talk it out and realize they need to be together and they are meant to be together.

First things first, how cute is the child playing Tane. He is effortless, very charming, great acting and single handedly one of the reasons that I was totally addicted to the show. He hasn't infectious energy and an amazing chemistry with both Yutaka and Minoru, that its hard to take your eyes off him whenever he is there and he is there in most of the show. There are so many charming scenes with the little kid, for example when he sees Yutaka crying, he completely breaks down himself. OMG!! That was so touching. It is rightly said, as kids we are so innocent. I don't know how and when we end up losing that innocence. Coming to the main couple, I think the saying "less is more" fits perfect to their relationship. They way they both interact with minimal words, its their actions of taking care of one another and Tane and cooking together and just being with one another makes them both a better person. Neither of them tries too hard and there is an effortlessness in their bonding. Their love story is of the kind where characters heal each other, without it being obviously in a romantic way. Minoru helped Yutaka get over his trauma and find an understanding of what it means to be mutually important to someone, while Yutaka helped Minoru regain the smile he lost after losing his mother. As I mentioned, they are both going of their internalized trauma, too afraid to talk of and too afraid to let down their guard and love someone else. Both the actors, especially Minoru does an incredible job of this. I also need to give a shoutout to the very supportive Minoru's father. IN his own way, he is there for his son and makes hims realize that love doesn't come very often n your way and to not let it go.

This show brought me immense yet simple joy and warmth, something that Ted Lasso season1 did for me during pandemic. Sure that show was about trying to find positivity out of anything, but the exploration of loneliness, loss, responsibility, family and being together and enjoying food - are all great message and done really well here too. The finale, even though uitfeels a little rushed, is another emotional highlight of the series. When Yutaka realizes how much he loves Minoru he is scared that they may separate one day. It is Minoru's father who reassures him, and it is no surprise, but a most beautiful moment, when Tane – asked by his classmate who Yutaka is – declares ”He is my family”. Yutaka finally overcomes his fear and asks Minoru to stay together forever. I just wish I could see more of actual romance between the leads, not the 'in your face' types but something true to their characters. I feel this story ha sa huge potential for a possible sequel and I for once would love to see that. (8.5/10)


Miisu said…
Delicate. Almost fragile. And definitely written according to ikebana rules, considering the season and compiling only a few carefully chosen perfect items to form a wholesome story. No random characters or events, no dragging or rushing - just enough.

The characters were all well written, especially Yutaka and Minoru with their background stories and how they got closer to each other bit by bit. Mr Ueda was also great, with his sense of humor (E9, when he drags Minoru out of the room and throws his coat after him telling to clear the mess before the new year arrives - just amazing :D ) and thoughtfulness. And Tane is definitely the wingman of the year, no doubt about it. I just love that rare breed of people who focus on the solution instead of the problem ("Did you two have a fight? Let's go and apologize, I'm coming with you!").

I loved how all the foods had meanings and background stories, from the grenade-sized rice balls to octopus sausages in the bento box and the comfort bowl of fried rice and ramen. And the last one, the kimchi hot pot (the red casserole frequents my dreams ever since), the significance it had in the family's life - amazing. Since I watched it weekly I had time to give in to my curiosity and actually try making some of these dishes - the fried rice with ramen is brilliant, the octopus sausages are such high maintenance handicraft and I made my rice balls smaller.

Speaking of handicraft, the mustard color cabled sweater Yutaka was wearing had me swooning and drooling, it looked hand made. I love knitting cables, mostly because the attention they demand and how great it feels to sigh with relief at the end of each row - pheew, didn't drop a single stitch :D And as if that cabled piece of wool art was not enough, a Fair Isle sweater was added more towards the end. A feast for the eyes of anyone with Nordic background and/or recovering from the Grand Darkness.

The battle between love and fear was a line really well thought through. It has not been used very often in fiction, but in real life it is there alright. The fear that sneaks in and fills your head with all sorts of scenarios what could happen somewhere in the future. This series dealt with it really beautifully. The best Japanese BL this year, that's for sure. The other food related Japanese BL "Naked Dining" has 3 more episodes to go, but I doubt it will reach the level of "Our Dining Table".
Golu said…
Oh man!! Reading your thoughts made me smile, you have written such beautiful lines here. Yes, the stories and family background behind each dish that they made was excellent and had meaning. All those food looked simple yet so delicious. I do wanna make the grenade rice ball but need to find the paper for it and all the yummy fillings he put in.

Tane's line "Did you two have a fight? Let's go and apologize, I'm coming with you!" was definitely a scene stealer for he show.

This show definitely tugged my heart and have to say its one of the nice very subtle, just enough kinda show that I would prefer to watch anyway over silly stupid ones.
Miisu said…
This really was a series of a million smiles. And it managed to dig out some very old memories about dishes until the times when I was not allowed to be in the way when my grandmother was cooking (I violated that order way too many times :D). I noticed her adding words to whatever she was making, even when it was a cup of tea or a slice of bread with butter. Little me thought that this ritual must be a part of the recipe and probably written in the cookbook... Newsflash, none of our cookbooks mentioned that detail. And grandmother didn't say much when I tried to ask her, only said that it's your thoughts that go straight into whatever you're making and the verbalized thoughts are more powerful. Phew, women and their perpetual jealousy when it comes to sharing their kitchen secrets :D The scene where Minoru's mother beats the ramen with the ladle took me down that rabbit hole.

There's a recently ended Korean series "Love Mate" that has a similar feel to it. And one French indie ("A Brother") that you haven't seen yet has just as lovely and naturally talented child actress playing the baby sister of one of the protagonists.
Golu said…
The show definitely brought back some pent-up memories from childhood and all good ones.
I haven't heard of "Love Mate" yet, need to check it out.
Sailor Maan said…
+1 here, what a lovable heartwarming show! The romance may be a (very) slow burn one but it is such a healthy healing one you can't help but smile and fall for them. Of course you can't resist Tane's cuteness as well. The way he keeps naming Yutaka "Yukata" was adorable. I think he is about the same age as my daughter and just as cute (... I say this but she is way cuter, of course :p). Haha that endless energy that get you both exhausted and so uplifted and in love at the same time definitely rings a bell. I'm just jealous with Tane sleeping so still between the guys! When we try with Charlotte, we just find ourselves with a feet in our face at one point lol.
Those meals and their cooking moments adds even more to the happy feeling. Can't count the number of times I caught myself smiling unknowingly. The way they changed colors between "cold blue" when Yutaka is alone, and the "warm orange" when they all get to cook together is great.
I just think the last episode with the fear of loss felt a bit too much. But the "He is my family" and Yutaka agreeing melted my heart again.
Golu you asked for more and your wish shall be granted, a special episode is coming this week :)
And I agree with Miisu, Love Mate was simple and nice!
Golu said…
So nice to read your views Sailor maan. Please do share more anecdotes about your daughter. I am sure she is a cutie pie :)

Such exciting news about the special episode!! I can't wait. This is gonna be epic.
Sailor Maan said…
You want anecdotes about my daughter??! Be carefull what you wish for lmao.
Ok just a recent funny one (because I can't resist) during a small trail. Approaching the end I wanted to spice it up with some adventure games before she'd start whining:
Me : "Hey Charlotte, you're an adventurer or you're not an adventurer?"
Her : (looking at me, frowning) "... But daddy, you know I'm not an adventurer, I'm a princess!!"
How can you resist XD .
Golu said…
no you can't and it stuff like these that leave an ever lasting memories

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