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For You A Thousand Times (Vietnamese Series)

Where do I even begin? This Vietnamese show was soooo bad. No story, bad acting, cringy dialogues and almost like a school project, Although I feel that school projects might give us something better to watch. Apparently. This was originally supposed to be 10 episodes but this season got shut down after 6 episodes and thank God for that. I would have cancelled this after 2 episodes. It's just so bad. The 6 episodes are about 20 minutes each.

A young teen Thai lives with his mother. Her friend's son comes from village to live with them and study in school. Thai doesn't like him first, but slowly they become friends. Then out of blue, Thai starts having a crush on him and professes his love while he is drunk twice, but nothing comes out of his. Since Thai is a mediocre student, his mother hires a tutor. This tutor becomes friends with the country boy. After passing out from school, this country boy starts living on his own and meets a boy who gets beaten up on the street. He takes care of him a they become friends. Meanwhile Thai passes out of school and is looking for a modelling job. We are suddenly told that he has a boyfriend now. But the agent who he is talking to is a bit sleazy. Enter a famous photographer, an old friend of Thai with whom they both used to be very close. His arrival makes Thai's boyfriend very jealous. Enter another new character and the series suddenly just stops.

You can see how this series is not going anywhere. Every episode they would introduce a new character who ch may or may not have anything to do with the main storyline but they just keep going just for the sake of it. No explanation on why does Thai suddenly like the country boy, or how he got a boyfriend. The friendship between country boy and street kid is also not explored. They who tutor Thai suddenly turns out to be a hell of a rich guy, an information that has absolutely nothing to do with the whole plot of the show (if there ever was a plot). As of all of this was not problematic enough, the actors are so bad and clearly everything feels rehearsed and artificial. No one has any chemistry, the story is non-existent and the show feels like a miss mash of many scenes just sown together at editing table. I really really hope that the makers don't threaten us with the remaining 4 episodes or a follow up season, although they do promise to do exactly that at the end of episode 6. Stay away from this one, at all costs. (1.5/10)


Miisu said…
Thank you for a fair warning, will keep away for sure.

Meanwhile in the green room some crap checking has been going on.
"I am your king", Thai series from 2019, S1 and S2. S1 makes microscopically little sense, S2 gives some eye candy for resting your eyes a bit, and the seasons are not connected at all imho. The plot of S2 however is a bit different since there's a lot of unrequited feelings. It would have been quite good if it had a different ending.

"Love Tractor" - Korean series about a country boy and a city boy meeting in the country. And a dog. And a red tractor also appears a few times. Overall a nice one, although a bit too much crying for my taste.

If you haven't seen Korean "Love Mate" yet, after this painful experience it would definitely feel like a plateful of soul food, with whipped cream and a cherry on top :)
Golu said…
Lovely. Noted all the names, especially the last one. Looking forward to it.
Miisu said…
Oh, Japanese "Naked Dining" just ended as well - the ending was SO Japanese. OK, the whole thing was classic ikebana-Japanese all over. Lovely protagonists, heaps of fresh veggies and well chosen locations.
Sailor Maan said…
Thank you Golu, I'll evade this one as well. I feel vietnamese ones are just so bad so far... Said I would stop trying and just watch "A love song for my beloved". Well, you can ditch this one as well.
"Naked dining"! The base concept is pure japanese crazyness, of course I love it haha. Or actually the 1st half. Same for "Star struck" that, for me, began really good. Then the ending may be disapointing for some.
Golu I thought about you as we watched the french movie "Miss" when you said there were no more mature gay movies, only teens or lesbian or transgender. Well it's a transgender one... Not especially good (a bit irritating for me to be honest), but at least the base plot was quite unique and new.
Miisu said…
"Star Struck" :D The ending was like... I didn't realize it was over, had to check from MyDramaList :D My face when I saw that it IS actually really OVER for real, well it was probably worth at least a few hundred euros :D Dammit, I should have sold tickets. The series itself was a nice zen pastime, no drama or anything, but the ending sort of evaporated.
Golu said…
Hi Sailor Maan - I will look out for the French film you just mentioned 'Miss'
I got some new ideas now for series to watch and what o avoid, so thanks for this guys.

Summer is here and lots of travel coming up, so lets see when am able to catch up.
Golu said…
Miisu has left a new comment on your post "For You A Thousand Times (Vietnamese Series)":

Just finished "Luminous Solution". Fun fact: I've never been this confused in my entire life. I loved the make-a-wish café in the storyline, I loved the trailer... and when the series itself started, I didn't know what to think any more, it was so messy. The editing was all over the place and although the last episode explained some things, so much was still left unsolved. And the main idea was so Estonian, dammit :D We have quite a few fairy tales about a person being stuck somewhere, and they must find someone else to take over their task, then they can be free again - but there are certain conditions involved. They could have shown the right way to make a wish, but that was too much to ask, I guess. Instead they showed a teenager basically making a love spell (cringe!) and you know what I think of those. It's different and the idea behind it is good, but the execution leaves A LOT to be desired, so I'm not sure if it's good for your mental health. Maybe with that peculiar blue alcohol and a Full Moon.
Golu said…
so u say I shud stay away from this one?
Miisu said…
Good morning :) I'm still confused :D Well, it's short - 6 episodes. It's worth seeing for the sake of magic and wishes, but don't get your hopes up. Maybe it's better to watch it in one go.

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