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All The Liquors (Korean Series)

This Korean series has a gentle and warm love story that moves at a snails pace. Despite showing a lot of promise at multiple places, its basic plot lets things down and the romance really doesn't get its wings until the very last episode, by when its already too late. The actors are good, the premise was alright, but somehow it just fails to make it memorable and leave an impact of any sort. The show is 8 episodes of about 16-20 minutes each.

Ki Soon runs a small restaurant both as a chef and owner. His good looks hav made the place popular but for some reason, his dislike of alcohol and his policy to not serve alcohol in his restaurant creates some rifts. He is also an introvert and refuses to give any interviews. Whatever anyone would say, he refuses to change his stance against alcohol policies. We also met Ji Hu, who is a foodie, absolutely loves his alcohol and works for. Marketing company of a liquor brand who are looking to partner with a new restaurant and chef. His boss asks him to get Ki Soon on board, but as expected he refuses, since that would mean promoting alcohol. Ji Hu wouldn't take no for an answer and consistently pursues. When the restaurant helper gets his arm broken, JiHu steps in and effortlessly starts helping Ki Soon in running the restaurant and surprisingly they both have lot more in common than initially they thought and they start becoming friends. Ki Soon also agrees to partner and they get to spend more time. Over a period they both realize their feelings are much stronger for each other than just friendship, but neither is willing to confess. Eventually we get to know why did Ki Soon had an aversion of alcohol, something which, over a period of time, Ji Hu helps him to overcome. In the end, they confess their love, the marketing is a big hit and everything is happy happy.

Firstly, I think the name of the show is a bot misleading. Just because one of the leads dislike alcohol, you can't name the show like this. In fact, Ji Hu is so addicted to alcohol and the fact that he has to have it with every meal, I was hoping that show would be about the restaurant owner help him overcome his pseudo-alcoholism. What happens is actually the opposite. Also, the whole reason of  Ki Soon's aversion to alcohol feels so lame. The show diminishes the potential drama due to its weak storytelling. On a positive side, the to guys have a good chemistry. Their cozy relationship grows at a steady pace, from strangers, to finding common interest in food to eventually starting to have feelings for one another. However, the narrative takes too long to develop their bond meaningfully. It misses the best window of opportunity to highlight the passion or reach a climax. We only get to see a couple of kisses towards the last episode , which by the way feel so mechanical, it was devoid of all passion. The bonding scenes of the two men are pleasing but there is not enough romance. Forget enough, there is hardly any. Also, the show hardly reveals anything about their lives or background or anything like that. The show has a happy ending and is good but it os overall a goody goody show. It has absolutely no drama, which doesn't mean it is bad. But given the tsunami of BL shows we are being served from Asia, a show like this, though not bad, is very easily forgotten. (5/10)


Golu said…
Miisu has left a new comment on your post "All The Liquors (Korean Series)":

Serene. "...a show like this, though not bad, is very easily forgotten." - 12 points.

It was a peaceful pastime, but indeed - nothing memorable. I had to watch it again to be able to write at least something. Which is quite remarkable since I usually enjoy watching chefs at work, probably because a certain chef (Anthony Bourdain) remains in my heart and under my skin forever. This and many other restaurant-theme series have made me wonder how real that kind of atmosphere really is - so zen, everything is always prepared and ready on time, no lunch or dinner time rush hours or anything. How do they do that?! I would really love to see the downright chaos, flying pots and pans and the swear words you only hear in the kitchen, the friendships are put on hold and everyone gets really creative and elaborate death threats for about an hour - and then everything is back to relieved comradery again.

I liked the happy ending for everyone, although it made me feel like writing of the rest of the script didn't get as much attention as the ending.
Golu said…
Again not sure, why some comments don't show up here, so I pasted your comment on this post here again.

I have to agree that BL based food shows have some sort of attraction if done well. My friend is a huge fan of Mr Bourdain , so I can understand your fascination.

The writing was basic but like you said, it had a happy ending at least
Miisu said…
It seems that food related BL-s are becoming more popular - Thai "Bite Me" was quite good (obvs! it's by Sammon :) ), Japanese "Our Dining Table" and "Naked Dining" are halfway now... Both good, although the "Dining Table" has more "my" elements. You'll love them both.
Sailor Maan said…
Haha guys you wrote my feelings exactly! First because like you Miisu I felt I needed to rewatch it (which I didn't) to remember what happened. And I watched it not so long ago.. So definitely nothing memorable, literally and figuratively speaking.
But then your review Golu said everything. I liked the happy merry ending (you know me...) but it comes a little too late. I was eagerly waiting for the reasons of "no alcohol" policy but it was so disapoiting. And the other one definitely was an alcoholic, it was really weird to watch! And trust me I'm not judging, I'm a french guy living in south France, summer is coming meaning I'll soon have more rosé wine than blood in my veins lol. Still, just like you I thought both leads would help each other but no, let's all be happy alcoholics haha.
I leave my husband know about cooks and immitate them. The only one I can really think of is the one cooking in his underwears on youtube. Or maybe it's not his cooking skills I'm watching whoops
Golu said…
cooking in his underwear on YouTube??
now this feels like something I must subscribe
Miisu said…
Fascination is the closest descriptive word, indeed. Some days it elevates to a full-on sapio crush (I've never seen anyone with such storytelling skills) :D How can it not:

"There is no lying in the kitchen. And no god there, either. He couldn’t help you anyway. You either can — or can’t — make an omelet. You either can — or can’t — chop an onion, shake a pan, keep up with the other cooks, replicate again and again, perfectly, the dishes that need to be done. No credential, no amount of bullshit, no well-formed sentences or pleas for mercy will change the basic facts. The kitchen is the last meritocracy — a world of absolutes; one knows without any ambiguity at the end of each day how one did.” (Anthony Bourdain, Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook)

The almost naked chef on YouTube would be Franco Noriega - ? Pleasantly entertaining, that's for sure :)
Golu said…
Aah !! The pleasures of kitchen

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