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Boy Boy Montreal (Reality Documentary Series)

As per the official synopsis of this show "Through the confessions of six professional pornstars, this humorous documentary series offers viewers an insider's look into Montreal's gay porn industry, a major hub on the international scene. Meet the actors, cult filmmakers, specialists in sex health, and model's entourage revealing all the secrets about the pornstar life." Spread over 10 episodes of about 25 minutes each, I wasn't vey sure what I am getting into, but I have to say that the candid confessions and the 6 chosen pornstars ended up being a lot more fun and informative to watch than cringe as I had thought going into watching this whole show.

Meet Trent, Skyy, Guillaume, Edward, Teddy and River - the six pornstars of "Boy Boy Montreal." River and Cory Kane are doing a photoshoot together. Guillaume welcomes actors Teddy and Pierre Fitch for a spa at home. We see the steps that are taken and the business challenges when production companies want hire a new model. Th behind the scenes look at scripting to editing of these porn films, how often they get tested for STIs, preventions they take and how important it is for them to be careful. Something interesting happens when we enter the world of fake cum, penile injections and other magic tricks behind pornography. Skyy, Teddy and River visit a cosmetic surgery clinic in order to get an anal laser bleaching. Pornstars Jason Vario and Ethan Chase get a penile injection. Topics like gay for pay, or straight porn actors is discussed along with the usual topic of how easy or hard it for these porn stars to maintain a relationship in real life with their partners and what they think of the choice of vocation. The actor also talk about the continuous evolution of porn from the VHS days to production studios to the current trend of only fans or clips. They also talk about how video games within porn and AI can probably disrupt the industry.

As I mentioned, I wasn't sure if I am going to get into this reality show cum documentary style show, but thanks to the six individuals chosen, it was a treat to watch. All of these actors were a delight and I will admit that I was the first one to be pleasantly surprised because I did not expect that. They were funny, charming, they knew hat they were talking, handsome, they didn't shy from talking of all sorts of issues within gay porn right from body type to penis size to drugs to steroids, to shelf life of actors to relationships and everything else. We also see these people meet other people involved in the industry directly or indirectly and get their perspective. There are sessions with sexual health expert, a psychologist and the funniest when they answer to some very personal yet awkward questions. I didn't expect that all these actors would be so engaging. Of course, icing on the cake is to see some film shoots also happening. Hat surprised me most was the whole obsession around penis size, tricks that production companies to do for fake cu, the whole injecting penis was scary by the way. Amongst a lot of documentaries and shows centered around gay porn industry, I have to say that this was the most fun to watch, engaging, charming yet also very informative. The no hold barred kind of interaction an interviews and discussions was very refreshing and almost no one shed away from talking and discussing all uncomfortable topics. I definitely applaud the makers of the show. (6/10)


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