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Love Tractor (Korean Series)

Once again Korea brings us a nice warm cozy BL drama, which is much less drama and lot of warmth and happiness and fun and light hearted moments. The series offers a delightful experience with its charming leads and some very cute interaction scenes. It helps to have gorgeous countryside landscape and take a break fro city surroundings. The story maybe way too simple, but with its execution it charms you. The show is 8 episodes with 20-30 minutes of varying duration.

Yup is studying in law school. He is an intelligent student and gets good grades. But something makes Yul rebel against his father and he goes to his grandfather's countryside home. This remote rural town is his hideaway, where no one knows about his past. But he needs to follow his grandfather's instructions. Here he meets a young 20 year old farm boy Yehan. He lives with his mother, is young, very bubbly. And as you would expect of countryside people, Yehan along with other neighbors are more than eager to help Yul settle into their community. Despite this. Yul is irritable and doesn't like or appreciate everyone's hospitality. But since he needs to follow his grdanfther's instructions, Yul needs to spend time with Yehan and learn farm jobs. But Yehan is starting to get very charmed by Yul an thinks he is faking for him. Out of blue, Yul's ex boyfriend shows up and we get to know that Yul was very much interested in music always and thats how he met his ex. But when his father caught hem together, he made Yul give up music and later Yul found his ex may have been cheating on him. Seeing this, gives courage to Yehan who confesses his love to Yul ad promises that he will do everything he can to make Yul feel his heart beat as fast as his does and make him fall in love. Yeah continues to work hs charm, his burliness and cuteness ; while supporting Yul to re-ignite his passion for music, making Yul eventually fall for the very charming Yehan. He finally has clover who will support him for his true passion.

While watching this show, I had this constant smile on my face and all thanks to the character of Yehan and his charm and the silliness. The comedy is spot on with never going overboard. Everything Yehan does and acts feels like something a real 20-something would do who is first time discovering what it is li facing in love for someone. His interactions not just with Yul, but with the village head or his mother are all filled with excitement, innocence and are cute and heart warming at the same time. The stark contrast between this big burly man and his childlike innocence creates a memorable character. I love when Yechan grins, giggles, or acts goofy. He's the root of the humour of the show. As I said before, you may feel the story is way too simple (since the conflicts are never really given that much importance) but its the simplicity, the countryside beauty and the warm and cozy atmosphere that makes this show a very welcoming watch. It is also fun to watch how a city boy would struggle to fit in a countryside lifestyle. He eventually starts to warm up and you see the change come in. There is not as much romance, but it's ok. Yehan has one side crush for a while and it takes almost episode 7 for him to get his feelings reciprocated. Despite this, the couple shares excellent chemistry and rapport with one another. Yul adds a calmer energy that balances with Yechan's lively persona. Both actors capture the essence of their characters and make them feel distinctive. Maybe sometimes life just needs to be simple and straightforward like this show, but only if wishes could come true ! In the meantime at least we can watch something endearing that can bring a smile to our face. (7.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Such a lovely show, I had a smile on my face most of the time too. Yehan's innocence was so cute. He almost looks simple minded at times, it kept reminding me of Forest Gump in some way. You can't help but falling in love with the guy. It also does have the charming difference between an (idealized) countryside lifestyle and a city one. Yul's evolution was another winning point here. As you said, if everything could be simple and straightforward, life would be so much easier. Even if we all know it's not that simple, it's a good reminder :)
And yes the countryside is clearly idealized here. As much as I love my own countryside lifestyle now with a kid and all, I needed my gay clubs to party like crazy when I was 20 :p
Golu said…
That teething bro.. at different point sin our life, our priorities change and we want the hustle bustle of city v/s quiet of nature. I see that with so many of my friends.

Even though I still prefer a city life, but I hardly go out; so I could as well be living in middle of nowhere and still be ok.
Sailor Maan said…
Yeah it definitely changes depending on your situation. I loved big cities when I could just walk and use public transportation. As soon as I needed a car, hell trafic quickly convinced me otherwise... I think the thing with big cities is that "IF" you want to do something, you know you can. Even if you never use that "IF". Just the possibility (and the opportunities) are enough. It's so stimulating!
We still live close to a big city (45min), and we always think IF we want to go it's easy. And then we just buy our food at the farm next door and stay at home with friends lol. At least we'll still enjoy big concerts this summer! We are using the "IF" haha
Golu said…
aah that F word.... "IF"
I say the exact same thing when my friends ask me why I live in Manhattan, when I don't even go out much. And my reason is always same that "I can go out if I want to."

Great minds think alike.
Golu said…
Miisu has left a new comment on your post "Love Tractor (Korean Series)":

This series was a really good representation of the differences between the way people think in the country and in the city and how easy (or not) it is to adapt yourself to the country life attitude. While in the city it's possible to live without ever saying hello to the neighbors living left, right, below and above your apartment, it's not wise to be like that in the country, where good neighbors are among the most important assets to have.

Yehan was my favorite, too - the absolute "be the friend you want to have". And both protagonists were really well written and stayed in character. The dog was also lovely and important character. Sort of a link connecting the humans.

When I was growing up, I lived in a so-called sleeping region in Tallinn, with huge apartment buildings and spent summers in a small township about a 3-hr train ride away. While I loved the outdoor life in the country, important tasks in our two gardens, mushroom hunting (that's what grandma called these events :D ), climbing trees and riding bikes, there was one thing that I hated with all I had. The endless gossiping (cringe). Everyone seemed to know everything about you and they spread such fairy tales around that it was beyond any imagination. Until a certain point it was funny... until it wasn't. The "best" example was my friend overhearing (from her grandmother's second floor window) three old hags talking about me being pregnant and they even knew who the father was. I was 13 back then... When I got my own home, I liked the change of scenery - it's still a sleeping region of Tallinn, but the location is different and the overall vibe as well, the houses are smaller, parks are bigger, shops are smaller and it's sort of a fusion of city and country life. I can be anonymous outside, but I know all my neighbors in my 8-apartment house, the sales people in the nearby shops already know my staples, but not personal details. Works for me.

Mentioning the "ifs" - my "if" is a beach near here. OK, two beaches. And an industrial entertainment cluster with cafés and a huge old book store. All walking distance from my home. I try to go to the beaches... well, occasionally :D The industrial complex has been open for 5+ years, I know where it is, but haven't been there, while my friends from another city keep visiting it multiple times a year :D
Golu said…
Wow. beautiful story Miisu. Thanks for sharing

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