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Takara-kun and Amagi-kun (Japanese Series)

A Japanese high school love story about two boys who start dating, but who also wanna keep this relationship hidden from everyone. The show is actually pretty basic with some very plain and moody characters and a paper thin plot where the conflict is mostly  about Takara and Amagi dating vis-a-vis how the larger social group treated their dating. I wanted to like the show and I did in parts but in the end felt like meh. At 8 episodes of about 23 minutes each, the duration was the only saving grace.

Takara and Amagi are high school students in same class. Takara is popular and constantly gets compliments from girls, while Amagi is just a regular lad but a happy go lucky kid. Of Latem the boy boys have been throwing secret glances at each other and one day after school, Amagi suddenly confesses his feelings to Takara on how much he likes him. To his surprise, Takara agrees to be his boyfriend. They begin dating, but their unlikely relationship remains a secret from the rest of the school. But navigating their own feelings v/s letting their friends know about it is a constant bone of contention between the two. Feeling troubled, Amagi shares these relationship problems with Katori, his best friend. Amagi speaks vaguely and never discloses Takara's identity. Yet, Katori figures out his friend's secret romance. Katori quietly supports Amagi, providing love advice without exposing the truth. Meanwhile, there is also sexual aspect where Takara feels physical intimacy is important, but every time he makes an advance, Amagi seems nervous and admits to being sexually inexperienced. Over a period of time, with use other friends, the truth eventually comes out and the couple carefully navigates their love and relationship filled with emotional and physical intimacy.

The beginning of the show was pretty lousy where we are shown a crying Amagi kind of breaking up. The protagonists seem insecure and oversensitive to little problems in their relationship. But slowly it starts to unfold why. But that's not the problem . The issue here is the background. We are never told why a standoff isa and such a duo character like Takara is so popular in high school. Sure he is good looking but he is got to be one of most boring and dull personalities I have seen for a lead character. Amagi, on the contrast, feels more chill, happy go lucky. This is an unlikely pair and I have mixed feelings about their romance unfolds on the screen. You have to remember thatches are mid teens who do not understand what love really is. They don't always respond to their feelings elegantly. They get upset, misunderstand each other, and stew in unhappy thoughts. However, working through the issues is a part of their journey to become better boyfriends. But unfortunately, the whole thing just keeps repeating in different scenarios for al the 8 episodes, where these 2 boys endlessly reflecting on the nature of their relationship, and on how that relationship would be treated by their social peers. So overall the narrative felt very aimless. I just wasn't sure what the makers are trying to go for here. The two good things about the show were the two best friends that both these guys had. They were colorful characters and deserve their own spin off. The repeated conflicts of the leads gets very tiring very soon. Overall, a show which is not sure in what it really wants to portray with two very boring charmless leads who don't even try to raise up the already boring plot. Its a shame, because Japanese folks know hw to make a decent BL story. (3.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Didn't like it either, such a dull series. I think they wanted to make sensitive characters with typical japanese restraint, they just ended oversentitive and silly and boring with lots of miscommunication. A big deception for me.
Golu said…
Deception is the absoulety right word here. It wanted to aim too high but in the process it was a big misfire.

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