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Alaska Is A Drag

I saw this short film of the same name many years back and was quite excited to see the short getting a full length feature adaptation. The film is more like a dramedy where accepting one's gender identity, acceptance, coming out blend really well with still very prevalent homophobia and sexual discrimination. Having said that I did have higher expectations of the film, and somehow the film dragged and not in the good way that I would have expected.

Leo and his twin sister Tristen have lived in Alaska for ten years after their father George moved them, and mother Lucy up there with the reason of toughening them up but grown up now, they both dream of leaving the state in search of their mother and becoming drag stars. Leo works in a fish canning factory while Tristen is dealing with chemotherapy. Leo has always dreamt of becoming a drag superstar. But the straight colleagues of his always give him a hard time, bully and beat him which has been going through high school and so he has natural self protective instincts. Seeing that, his employer starts to coach him for boxing also. Enter Declan, the mysterious drop-dead gorgeous new worker at the cannery, described by Tristen as “kind of cute in a fucked-up kind of way.” He becomes Leo's friend. We know nothing about him, is he interested in Leo, is he attracted, gay or straight, or just friendly curious guy, we actually don't find this out till the very end, but he just comes as a guardian angel for Leo and Tristen. Leo participates in a local drag contest and come sin second and also ends up winning a boxing match against his bully friend. But in the end, thanks to constant push by Declan, the brother-sister duo finally find the courage to leave Alaska and make their way out to LA.

The cast of the film is spot on and they all actually do an amazing job, but the big problem with the film is that it is all over the place. Leo wants to become drag superstar, but also a boxer but also wants o leave town. He and his bully friend share some unresolved issues and the new guy invokes further feelings in him, who by the way, is himself confronting his own internalized homophobia and also his sexuality. The whole father's angle was also all over the place, He is a drunk, street preacher, (was he also homosexual?). Then the mother and her whole story. There are so many elements and threads, its hard to figure out which one will eventually get taken to climax. WIth a title like this, you would think the focus will be on Leo and his dream of becoming a drag, but unfortunately besides the competition, there is really no focus on it. As mentioned before, the script is all over the place. It is clearly a low budget film and can use some serious script improvements. Despite the flaws, thankfully a very charming cast saves the day, otherwise the film would have fallen flat. Audiences will warm to Leo’s flamboyant nature and marvel at Tristen’s courageous and positive outlook towards her health issues and their chemistry as siblings is spot on. It's light hearted but certain repetitive scenes take the fun out. The film leaves many questions unanswered and all subplots unrefined, but maybe this is the way of making sure that we as audience ask ourselves and question our own decisions. (5.5/10)


Miisu said…
Up until now I was convinced that "Alaska" was one of those films I found in your blog and watched after reading your review. Hmm, where did I read that review then :D ? Anyway, I noticed the same question marks and paper-thin situations where I would have loved more information. I like open endings, but when a story has too many open spaces, it becomes more fragile than I was, when I watched it. At times I was afraid that if I sneeze or cough, the whole story will blow up in million pieces and become a total mess. It required very intense concentrating and probably made me miss some nice details. The ending, however, was made for me and I really liked it.
Golu said…
You probably read about this in one of my posts where I had reviewed about the film of same name but it was a short story. The full length feature came only later
ILHiker said…
I liked this as well. I had never watched the series Kyle XY but was surprised to see the actor from there who costarred in this film was gay, married with a child, and had a very active Youtube channel. I always find it interesting and exciting when a short film is made into a full length film. I liked the short version of this as well. I also liked both the short and long of "The Way he looks" and "Breaking Fast," though there are different strengths to the different formats. I'm trying to think what else I've seen that falls into the short/feature category and all I can think of is the short The Last Time I Saw Richard, which is only related to Boys in the Trees, but meaningfully so. It's tricky to re-conceive something into a longer form--you can't reproduce it quite the same, or you'll fail if you do. I tend to cringe when I see a movie remade and stretched into a miniseries, and have much better luck with short films becoming features. That said, I'm thinking I can't quite remember one that went far awry, but neither the short nor the feature are coming up for me right now.
Golu said…
"The Way he looks" has been one of my all time fav short films and they thankfully did a very good job of full length feature too. I actually have seen quite a few films that were later converted to full length feature films. Of course I can't remember their names. I think one of them was called 'Dare' which was also quite interesting
Miisu said…
I went to read your review of the short "Alaska" and it sounds familiar, indeed. But I read a longer version also, probably IMDB then.

I adore lists, especially the ones that involve a little brainstorming :) May I add "Matias & Jeronimo" (2015) followed by "Esteros" (2016), still my absolute favourite. And "Por que no seguiste?", a short followed by a TV-series. AND to show some patriotism, an Estonian award-winning masterpiece "Klass/The Class" (2007) followed by the 7-sequel-series "Klass - elu pärast/The Class - the life after" (2010). The first one is not a gay-gay movie, more like a hardcore homophobia piece involving peer pressure, bullying and school shooting as the culmination of the events.

I would love to see a feature-length piece or a mini-series after the Icelandic "Him" (2018), but 4 years have passed and the boys playing protagonists in the short have probably grown too much, so new actors have to be cast for the main roles - and that wouldn't be "it" any more. On the other hand, an "X years later" version would be too "Esteros".

Oh, and there's a really-really sweet low-budget short "Hearts and Hotel Rooms" - that I would have really liked in an extended version as well.

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