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Boys On Film 21: Beautiful Secret

BOYS ON FILM 21 takes you on a voyage of self-discovery, where same-sex attraction is celebrated, first loves are tenderly formulated, and beautiful secrets burn and bloom. The collection comprises of nine-films, a 143-minute journey with characters who risk safety, security, or liberty by living their queerness with complete honesty. The queer men and boys here stand up to cruelty, oppression, homophobia, peer pressure, their parents, and even the Nazis. An eye-opening, thought-provoking, titillating or simply sheer entertaining take on the gay experience.

Memoirs Of a Geeza (UK)
A short film presenting us with a hard street-wise boy who becomes a hard Queer man, trying out his sexuality and finding, to his surprise, that his family is ‘like a wall of arms protecting me".

We Are Dancers (UK)
In post-Weimar Germany, the newfound freedoms and liberations of the era are gradually creeping to an end. Frau Hansi and his troupe of cabaret performers are fighting a battle to promote their creative and artist freedom amidst the emerge of fascism.

My Dad Works the Night Shift (Canada)
14 year old Felix has hots for an older boy Vincent in swimming club. He secretly wants his religious father to find out about him. This tale of queer rebellion against oppressors is beautifully shot from moody sequences.

L’ Homme Jetee (Switzerland)
Piece about a young gay man who longs to go to sea with the trawler men he sees at the pier. When Giuseppe takes an interest in him, he introduces him to a macho ritualistic initiation which is violent and worrying. Will he catch the boat ? Will he catch Giuseppe?

My Sweet Prince (UK) 
An intriguing account of how early domestic technology would adapt the queer coming of age experience. Tommy's  anxious mother worries about him and knows nothing about  his internet hook-ups as Bitter End with the aptly named My Sweet Prince.  Engaging but needs more to it.

Dungarees (UK)
Blake is trans and Cane is cisgender with an impressive bond, continually seeking to understand each other. Blake is on a transformation journey with support from Cane and his sister.

Clothes and Blow (USA/UK)
American voiceover artist living in London, Daniel, coasts through life on autopilot with life essentially being a series of Grindr hook-ups and unsatisfying jobs. The unexpected arrival of his mother sees him re-evaluate how fully and truthfully he is living his life.

A Normal Boy (Romania) 
Daniel is determined to find the right man and taking home a very handsome stranger in a club sees him leaving his straight brother’s girlfriend out in the cold. As Daniel’s heart is broken, his brutish big brother’s previously homophobic, dismissive behaviour shows a softer side showcasing that the bond of family is more important than out differences.

Pretty Boy (Australia)
Kevin is a sullen teenager skipping school and meeting a secret boyfriend Nico. When his mother finds it, she becomes violent and throws him out. But maybe out of the dreadful rejection there can be hope for the boys.

As expected , this one was quite mixed bag. (6/10)


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