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Mario (Swiss German)

If you read the summary of the film which says " a love story of gay footballers", you will think you have seen a few films before on the subject and thats exactly what OI thought too. But the treatment and the focus of this film is different and actually much deeper. The sexuality is not brushed aside but the focus is more on how to deal with it in 2018 and like one man says in the movie that its ok to be gay but not ok for sportsmen. A beautiful love story that grows slowly and ends open ended. I am glad I saw this film.

Mario, early 20s, is the start striker player of his team, highest scorer and has a big chance to being promoted to the main squad. Things change slightly, when another star player Leon from Germany is added to the team. Since he is also a striker, pretty soon him and Mario share an amazing chemistry on the football field. Mario has been so busy with the game that he has not had chance to think about his sexuality but he cannot help but notice the very good looking yet mysterious Leon. For their benefit, the 2 are put in same players flat near college and soon enough they fall for each other after initial denials by Mario. Leon is a confident man and knows what he wants but Mario is struggling hard to balance love and the game. Its not long before rumors start floating and we see how Mario is struggling. The club board calls them both individually with their agents for truth but of course they both deny. Although later, they do tell the truth to their agents and coach promises to support them as long as they can control. One of the team players bullies them, but they keep cool. Leon is clear that he will chose love over football but Mario has other plans. He constantly denies their relationship and even happily agrees to be seen with a girlfriend (his best friend from a long time) to refute the rumors. Things work for Mario when he gets promoted to the main squad but Leon gets suspended for losing his cool and openly admitting to his sexuality in front of the team members. He leaves Mario and Mario now moves to Germany to play but you can see he is torn and cannot forget Leon. Finally Mario decides to visit Leon in hope to rekindle love, but its probably too late by now.

Even though, the film is essentially a love story, the title clearly suggests that we will be seeing this more from Mario's point of view. The actors acting where he portrays the confusion between his affection and desire for Leon and the dream of a potentially great soccer career is superb and this happens on more than one occasion. He never though of love and when love came to him, he wasn't prepared. And hence he always rejects every move from Leon but goes back to him right after, just like their first kiss or their trip and hotel room scenes. Leon is the only one who gets him, and my god, he is soo good looking and handsome. The love in his eyes for Mario is undeniable and he is ready to sacrifice everything to be with Mario because he has enough experience to know that true love doesn't come easily. I did like the fact that the film doesn't judge them for being gay. Be it their agents, or family (except father) or friends; they all are ok with it. What they are not ok with is the fact that they are lovers and playing for same team and no one is ever gonna accept the fact and hence they have to keep it a secret. Also the club has invested too much in Mario, so they also can't completely dismiss him. Some of the supporting characters like Mario's best friend and his mother and are also fleshed out quite well. You may think it's one of the regular run-of the mill gay movies that may titilate but trust me its much deeper. When you drill down below that veneer you experience the real pain and consequence of the real world. Making choices in life is not easy, especially given the homophobia in sports field.

Great chemistry between the leads, very humane moments throughout and a very realistic approach make this film a must watch. The ending is something that not everyone would like, but hey! life is not always about happy endings. Two protagonists choose two very different paths for themselves. Strongly recommended. (8.5/10)


luigi43 said…
This amazing film reminded me to the english one " The Pass" with Russel Tovey , on the same theme.
" Mario" underlines the mutual love between the two players , the english one may be just attraction and sex .
I'd like to point out ( with pride) the recent Swiss filmography ( may I remember " the Circle"?) I wish pay homage to this Country that hosts me.
Golu said…
The Circle is an amazing film. I had no idea you live in Switzerland. Maybe I should visit ;)
luigi43 said…
My husband , after retirement , brought me to his Country of origin : both are worthy:-))))) .
Golu said…
Thats amazing... lots of love to you both

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