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Bizarre (aka Brooklyn Bizzare)

There cannot be a more apt title for this film, which totally lives unto its title. As a Viewer, you really can’t figure out what’s the purpose of the film, where it is headed and what’s it even trying to say. A truly bizarre film. set in Brooklyn about a young immigrant boy’s story trying to find his identity in a new city.

Maurice, a reticent young homeless man, somehow manages to get by in Brooklyn; he spends his nights in parked cars until he finds himself at Bizarre, an underground club renowned for its burlesque shows. Maurice is fascinated by the club’s playful revues celebrating self-determined sexuality and creative otherness, and the two female club owners both adore him. He soon becomes a part of their self-selected family, and begins to bond with introverted Luka, who also works in the same place. But Maurice turns his back on Luka’s growing affection. There is a bit of jealousy when Luka gives in to Maurice’s straight friend who fucks anything that moves. Luka just cannot understand what is Maurice’s feelings towards him. Running away from his true emotions he drifts aimlessly through the city and in his boxing club. Unable to withstand the pressure of his repressed feelings, Maurice unleashes a mounting foment of emotions, pervaded by tenderness and menace. There is apparently some back story which we are never told about.

There are so many  things that are ‘bizarre’ about this film. why did the girls end up approaching a random stranger to work with them and even live with them is a mystery. Luka, who forgets his keys one night, sleeps with Maurice but next thing we know is that he is pretty much moved in with him. What is Maurice’s past? Are the lesbian couple in open relationship or just teasing Maurice because he is so charmingly cute! We don’t know. Logic is not really the strong point of this film, for sure. The film is trying to not take any stand for anything; be it Maurice’s sexuality or other queer members, who strangely all have a double life. Maurice’s character is loosely defined and lack of no proper story track around him makes this film about nothing at all. Having said these, I thought the performances of all the actors was quite believable. They were god and yes Maurice was damn god looking in a twin sort of way.  There are too many burlesque routines in the film, although few of them good, have absolutely nothing to do with the plot. The dialogues are minimal and most important events are captured via loud background music.

All we have here is yet another gay themed tragedy that is ‘bizarre’ in true sense, a senseless odd film with a very attractive lead character for eye candy. (2.5/10)


Unknown said…
Role of Maurice in this movie was not to portray any emotions upon other characters hence other characters believed what they wanted to believe it was reflection of their emotions upon them. Maurice did a good job of being a muse and keeping very neural emotions. role of Maurice was to NOT have any emotional role in the film and just be a body " muse ".
Golu said…
Thats a very interesting perspective. I didn't think of it that way
Unknown said…
I'm still wondering about the end, what happened? The problem with the ending is the lack of a backstory to Maurice and that man
Golu said…
I would have agreed but if you see the first comment by myworld426, he does have a point.
Anonymous said…
Pierre Prieur played the role on the movie very well. i can catch the emotion he shown on the movie and it feels really hurt. i wish i could congratulate him directly.
Golu said…
I am sure if you tried hard enough, you may be able to find his twitter/email kinda account and wish him directly
ILHiker said…
I watched this one today. I agree with your review and also with the comments, though I think that the reason Maurice didn't show any emotion is that the character is a psychopath, someone who doesn't feel emotions like others do and has a lack of moral scruples in their actions. His treatment of Luka is just odd and he never seems to sh ow a sexual or romantic interest in anyone, just a curiosity. I watched the whole thing, though with some fast forwarding. It did have the eye candy factor, but the frontal nudity annoyed me. It seemed like they mostly played hide-the-weenie except for showing Maurice's once when he was in bed with the girls (though not convinced it actually was his given the way the shot was framed) and Charlie's once (but the tumescence made me think it was fake). I assumed the man who attacked Maurice was someone he'd wronged back in France and that he did the things he did after because he wanted a clean start, right down to the clothes on his back. I wish we lived physically close, because this next fact would prompt me to get us together for a hate-movie-festival: IMDB says a sequel to this movie came out this very month, seven years later!!!!!
Golu said…
" It seemed like they mostly played hide-the-weenie " lol
are you serious about the sequel? run! run! run!
ILHiker said…
I am totally serious about the sequel - it's on the IMDB page! IF you see that it's playing at a festival, I'll meet you there, as long as it's on the North American continent.
Golu said…
you never know. Maybe it will have a special showcase in Brooklyn.

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