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Weekend (UK)

I had meaning to see this film for a long time, specially since I had been hearing such positive reviews all over for this film. And I think it was worth the wait. Without being too wordy, the film and its two protagonists say so much and make you part of them. You feel for them, both of them in totally 2 different ways. You want them to be together, they want to be together but they can't be together. This feeling of love, longing, feeling lucky that you found someone but at the same time you can't be with them, is just so innocent and real on screen for this film. The story is pretty simple but its the execution that makes all the difference. On a Friday night after a drunken house party with his straight mates, Russell heads out to a gay club. Just before closing time he picks up Glen but what's expected to be just a one-night stand becomes something else, something special. That weekend, in bars and in bedrooms, getting drunk and taking drugs, telling stories and having sex, the two men get to know each other. At the same time, we also find out Glen has plans to move to US to pursue his passion for art and is actually leaving the following Monday and this is where the whole emotions of pain an longing come to life. The ending is so heart-warming. Kudos to the director for handling the film so so brilliantly and getting such an exemplary job out of the 2 lead actors. I honestly wanted to be there with the guys wishing I cud see their story unfold in front of me for real. This is the most real cinematic version of 2 guys falling in love. Nothing is over dramatized. You see this and say, "This is exactly how it would happen in today's time." It is a sincere attempt to try and capture how and why would someone fall for another person beyond the carnal instincts and physical attraction. It shows how people invest time in getting to know each other and before they realize , a spark has started and now they actually might be in love. The acting by the 2 leads is simply brilliant. Russell as the quieter guy and Glen who is more outward but still has some vulnerability about him are one of the best if not the best acting by male in a gay themed film. There are a few scenes just stand out. Everytime Glen leaves, Russell watches him from his window but Glen never looks back but finally once he does when it is time to leave. He shows he is falling in love too. I also like the scene when Russell finally admits to his straight friend that he might be falling in love with Glen and how he doesn't mind driving him to the train station to say one final goodbye to Glen. The scene where Glen reads all about Russell's one night stands was also done brilliantly. I am not very sure but I got a feeling that Glen's ex-boyfriend cheated on him with Russell. I could be totally off here though. Weekend is genuine, original, natural, well made and well done. It is all about a relationship, gaining the audiences attention through involving, immersing, connecting, emotional quality. I would strongly recommend this film. (9/10)


moonlitlake said…
What a movie...I took days to get over it.Good golu.Great review and appreciable rating.Even my straight friends loved it.
Golu said…
Yeah. There is no doubt that this was a fantastic film. I absolutely loved watching it.
mickel said…
i love this film.bitter-sweet but very realistic and the acting was superB.
i love reading your reviews. kudos....
Golu said…
Thanks buddy. I absolutely loved tis film as well. A bitter-sweet movie
GC from France said…
Hey ya ! Thanks for your blog, I really enjoy it. Agree with you most of the time on ratings but I did not really like this one ; not a bad movie though, and very good acting but I expected much better. Maybe it just ain't my stuff.This is but my own opinion ; to me, SHELTER or DEFYING GRAVITY are much better movies.
Anyway, keep posting :)

Gerald from France.
Golu said…
Hey buddy. I do apreciate your thoughts on the film. And like you mentioned, every individual has the right for their opinion. Though I am also glad to know that most of the time you agree with my ratings. Defying Gravity is def one of my fav better movies too but my all time favs so far will be 'Big Eden' and 'Undertow', without a doubt. :)
GC from France said…
Hi ; your being that open-minded is one of the reasons why I keep reading your reviews, thanks for that ; Big Eden and Undertow are definitely on my list, I'll let U know my opinion after viewing them.Another very good movie you might watch some day is "Soldiers' Girl" next time you got a couple of hours to waste. 100 % chance you'll write a fantastic review and get to the conclusion your time was all but wasted.
Golu said…
Wow... I will have to remember this movie to make sure to never watch it... lol.... BUt honestly, u never know, I might watch it someday.

Thanks for being a regular member of my tiny little blog
GC from France said…
Hey ! I was serious about this one, based on a true story ; at least give the trailer a try. You've watched tons of movies, probably more than I ever will ; but Soldiers Girl is one of those you really must see ; there's no way you won't enjoy it : might even get into your top ten all time favorites .
Apart from that, pls pardon me if my meaning is not clear of if I make mistakes ; I learned English in college and it is not perfect (French native).
Golu said…
I think i read it wrong way and trust me, it has nothing to do with your english. I think it is perfect. I am now very curious about this film and will try to watch 'Soldier's Girl' this weekend maybe.
Do continue to write your thoughts.
Factatack said…
"Weekend", in my opinion, is among the five best gay-themed films of all time. I've re-seen it many times, and found new textures and nuances in both the screenplay and performances with each viewing. I imagine that for many of us it's a mirror, for others a window. Its strengths lie in its capacity for intimacy, willingness to ask tough questions, resisting judgement and being true to very common, albeit grittily disappointing human experience, while never suggesting surrender of personal striving or dashing hopes.
Golu said…
I think you have summarized it quite well in these words that " for many of us it's a mirror, for others a window." I have meaning to revisit this film for past couple of years but wanna do that with someone who i want to introduce to the wonderful world of queer cinema and maybe someone special :)

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