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I dunno why but I had very minimal expectations from this film. Somehow the title, story or even the actors were connecting with me after watching the preview but of course I still had to watch this film. It was actually not all that bad. Set in 80's film takes a hilarious look at a group of friends. Agreed that this is no oscar worthy movie or anything but I have seen much worse gay cinema, so in comparison this one did not turn out to be bad at all. he setting is a Texas college circa 1982 where big hair, loud shirts and cowboy boots are considered high fashion. Kevin is a straight frat-boy who enjoys bonding with fellow schoolmates. He does not even mind helping out his friend Justin once a while. But things change when he meets sexy and charming openly gay Cesar. Kevin starts hanging out with him and his heart starts beating for him and of course Cesar is also falling for Kevin. Too many encounters suddenly make Kevin confuse and he sets out for a weekend full of beer and women with his best friends from old times. Random events including Kevin helping out his pal jerking off or even sucking him off are shown , all the while maintaining it is all about helping out a buddy. In the meantime, homophobic Justin gets over his phobia of Cesar, becomes friends with him to get close to a girl. The weekend is over and Kevin realizes that he actually might be gay and is now all in love with Cesar. The film had a lot of nudity. Never before you will see men supposedly straight drop their pants to get buck naked, bed hop, 'help out' buddies etc. Every action was gay except they all said we are straight. Kevin is a very good find. He was a very lovable character in the film and it was his charm alongwith Cesar to an extent that made the film watchable. Kevin's friend from school for the weekend were annoying specially the guy ho plays the role of always horny guy. I think directors aim was total entertainment of the viewers which he succeeds to quite an extent. It i again one of those guilty pleasure films which you probably secretly had fun but are not quite prepared to admit it. It is an alright film with a lot of eye candy and humor galore. (5/10)


Pitbullshark said…
That was one of the films at last week's Outfest that I did not choose to see that my friends who saw it all loved (they would give it a 10 based on your scoring scale) and said I should make sure to see it. What impressed them, though, was only the full-frontal nudity of good-looking guys. However, I see so much free porn on the Internet (that I could also download and keep if I want) that I would not pay money for a movie simply because it had nudity in it...not unless it was to see someone in particular that I really wanted to see. However, since the movie was sold out, Outfest scheduled a second showing of it, and when THAT sold out, they scheduled a third, so I guess it really was a hit in Los Angeles.

However, I think guys were just hungry for some sexy gay male film; the offerings seeing overwhelmingly lesbian this time, or else transexual films.

This morning I received an e-mail that listed all the winning films of the festival and nearly ALL of the winners were lesbian films. I think the only film I saw that got an award was "Private Romeo", which I loved, it got an award for the actors, but this was not an audience vote award, but a jury award. However, I am glad it won that!

However, to contrast with my friends, a man I spoke with on Saturday who had an "Outpass," that's a membership pass that you receive for a minimum donation of $750 that allows you go to any movie in the festival for free, told me he saw 24 films this festival. I asked him which ones he like the best and which ones he liked the least, and he voted "Longhorns" as his absolute worst! So he would have given it a score of "0" on your scoring scale. So I would say that you nailed it right with a "5"--it all depends upon whether you want to see full frontal male nudity, or whether you want a serious film filled with some kind of true meaning. As a reviewer, I see that you tend to be more on the "meaningful work, serious, worthwhile film" side, but you'll allow for some fun and sex, as well, so you cover all bases and therefore give useful reviews.
Golu said…
Thank u so much. I am unfortunately not very good with words like you are but the comments that you have been posting on the blog means a lot to me. Yes I do like more meaningful cinema but give myself to just fun filled comedy also once in a while.

I myself had a all access pass here in QFest in Philly which just ended today. I am so eager to find out the winners. This year I also noticed that there were a whole lot of lesbian and transgendered movies as compared to other years. I did miss 'Private Romeos' but hopefully I will get to catch it at some point on dvd.

Thanks again for posting your thoughts. I look forward to them
Pitbullshark said…
Thank you, Golu, for your kind comments. Maybe you would consider posting the winners of this year's QFest. I will see if I can post for you the winners of Outfest here in the comments. This maybe will give you some ideas of films to search for and review later, once they can be rented on Netflix, for example, or may show in some alternative cinema theater near you. (By the way, I added "The Trip" to my Netflix gueue.) We have a wonderful theater like that here, called the Laemmle, with several branches all over town. Two of the best places to see gay films and foreign films is the Laemmle in West Hollywood (only one block from the Director's Guild, which was the main location of the festival, although Outfest also uses several other screens around the city since the festival is so large), and also the Laemmle in Encino, which I drive by every day on my way home from work--but the Laemmle in Encino is better for foreign films than it is for gay films, due to the audience in the neighborhood. West Hollywood, on the other hand, is one of the main gay neighborhoods in Los Angeles.
Pitbullshark said…
Here comes the list of the winning films:

Special Programming Award for Freedom
Sponsored by GLAAD
NO LOOK PASS, Directed by Melissa Johnson
For its unflinching look at the life of a young lesbian basketball star facing the hardships of coming out and a relationship challenged by "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" the Outfest Special Programming Award for Freedom goes to NO LOOK PASS.

Special Programming Award for Artistic Achievement
Sponsored by APA
For matching the conceptual daring and aesthetic bravado of its subjects' lives with an equally powerful filmmaking style and for never losing sight of the love story that flourished in an atmosphere of gender experimentation and conceptual music, the Outfest Special Programming Award for Artistic Achievement goes to Marie Losier, director of THE BALLAD OF GENESIS AND LADY JAYE.

Special Programming Award for Emerging Talent
Sponsored by Greenhouse Studios
For her witty and creative vision, her skill at eliciting memorable performances, for deftly blending old school science fiction and deadpan comedy, and for believing that true love exists even if it means going to another planet to find it, the Outfest Special Programming Award for Emerging Talent goes to Madeleine Olnek, the writer/director of CODEPENDENT LESBIAN SPACE ALIEN SEEKS SAME.
Pitbullshark said…

Audience Award for Outstanding Documentary Short Film
Sponsored by Ramada Plaza Hotel West Hollywood
SAME DIFFERENCE, Directed by Catherine Opie & Lisa Udelson

Audience Award for Outstanding Dramatic Short Film
Sponsored by Wolfe Video
TSUYAKO, Directed by Mitsuyo Miyazaki

Audience Award for Outstanding Documentary Feature Film
Sponsored by World of Wonder
WE WERE HERE, Directed by David Weissman & Bill Weber

Audience Award for Outstanding Dramatic Feature Film
Sponsored by Relativity Media
3, Directed by Tom Tykwer
Pitbullshark said…
still continuing...

Audience Award for Outstanding First U.S. Dramatic Feature Film
Sponsored by HBO (cash prize of $5,000 from HBO)
CIRCUMSTANCE, Directed by Maryam Keshavarz

Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Documentary Short Film
Sponsored by Yellow Cab Company
THANK YOU FOR YOUR CALL, Directed by Shawn Nee
For its moving examination of one man's emotional journey through a complex and systematic issue of inequity which currently and will continue to affect many of us, we award the Outfest 2011 Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Documentary Short Film to THANK YOU FOR YOUR CALL, directed by Shawn Nee.

Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Short Film
Sponsored by CRE - Computer Rentals & AV Solutions
I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK ALONE, Directed by Daniel Ribeiro
For its sensitive and original portrayal of a young man's self-realization of his sexuality, and for the quality of its direction, writing, and its performances, we award the Outfest 2011 Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Short Film to I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK ALONE, directed by Daniel Ribeiro.

Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Documentary Feature Film
Sponsored by Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel
HABANA MUDA, Directed by Eric Brach
This year's winning documentary is a beautifully crafted narrative that reveals multiple worlds and gives us access to intimate moments and complex relationships. It's a very personal story that rises above the issues it explores, and entertains us in every moment.
Pitbullshark said…
yes, still continuing!

Grand Jury Award for Outstanding International Dramatic Feature Film
Sponsored by The Standard
WEEKEND, Directed by Andrew Haigh
This year's winning international dramatic feature film is a touching, authentic portrayal of gay life as we truly experience it: not stylized, not glamorized, but heartfelt, perceptive and absorbingly real. From the first frame it manages to get beneath the artifice we are used to. In its own quiet, unflinching way it leaves you a little bit changed, and yet more yourself than you ever were.

Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Actress in a Feature Film
Sponsored by Glee
Nikohl Boosheri, CIRCUMSTANCE
For her fierce and sensual portrayal of a young woman struggling to balance the tumultuous landscape of her sexuality in a world in flux around her, the Outfest 2011 Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Actress in a Feature Film goes to Nikohl Boosheri for her portrayal of Atafeh in CIRCUMSTANCE.

Now for a film I saw, and loved:

Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Actor in a Feature Film
Sponsored by Macy's
For bringing fresh life to a timeless love story and infusing each moment with a 21st century immediacy that balances naked passion with longing and delivering it all with brilliant coherence, the Outfest 2011 Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Actor in a Feature Film goes to the entire cast of PRIVATE ROMEO.
Pitbullshark said…
and now, the last group:

Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Screenwriting
Sponsored by The New York Times
Stephen Cone, THE WISE KIDS
For a script that transports us to a world with rare authenticity and plunges into the lives of a myriad of characters with surprising depth and compassion and never judges its characters, the Outfest 2011 Grand Jury Award for Outstanding Screenwriting goes to Stephen Cone for THE WISE KIDS.

Grand Jury Award for Outstanding U.S. Dramatic Feature Film
Sponsored by The Caprio Trust
THE WISE KIDS, Directed by Stephen Cone
We were very moved by this film not only as a love letter to the community it depicts but as a universal portrayal of characters both coming of age and coming of middle age. We also believe this film represents American independent cinema at its best and marks the discovery of a filmmaker with a compelling cinematic voice.

Wow, two awards for that one, and it was one I considered but then decided to not see.

Seeing all these award-winners that I missed makes me think that I really should spring for an Outpass next year. But gosh, a $750 membership.... Maybe it's just better to be patient and wait for films like these to be distributed.

I hope you didn't mind my "filling up" all the comments!
Golu said…
750 bucks for a full pass is a lot. Philly Qfest's pass was 265 only.

Best Short Film (Tie)
The Queen, directed by Christina Choe
The Kiss, directed by Ashlee Page
Best First Time Director
Romeos, directed by Sabine Bernardi
Best Documentary
Wish Me Away, directed by Bobbi Berleffi, Beverly Kopf
Best Feature Film
Tomboy, directed by Celine Sciamma

Best Short Film
I Don’t Want to Go Back Alone, directed by Daniel Ribeiro
Best Documentary
Married in Spandex, directed by Devin Gallagher and Allison Kole
Best Comedic Film
Eating Out - Drama Camp, directed by Q. Allan Brocka
Best Feature Film
Gun Hill Road, Directed by Rashaad Ernesto Green

I liked both Tomboy and Gun Hill Road
Gerald Parker said…
I love "Sexy Buffalo Boys", a.k.a. "Longhorns". It was good to have some real (not faked) Southern lads in the cast, including the actors, Louisville-born, who plays Kevin. Jacob Newton plays that part. He is one of those succulently cute boys who is not some sort of "gay clone". He convincingly is the sweet, neighbourhood kind of guy-next-door who thinks that he is straight for lack of knowing anything else. When he finds that he has more than just a gay streak, he goes with it. Honest, sweet, very cute dude. I like the whole cast.
Golu said…
I am glad u liked it buddy
An honest comedy, not to be remembered though. Even funny sometimes. Liked the happy ending
Golu said…
teh thing about films like this is that they make you smile and laugh and forget your worries for a short while; but then there is nothing memorable about them for long haul.

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